Welcome to Dataprev’s complaint Channel

Through this channel you can, report violations
Dataprev’s Code of Ethical Conduct and Integrity and of laws and regulations in force.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any possibility that I could be identified by placing a complaint on this channel?

If you choose for anonymity there is no possibility of identification, since there are no recorded data as IP of the computer that originated the account or phone number that connected it. It is important to warn that by making denouncements, you should not comment on this with anyone, nor with those who seem to be very trustworthy. This is an extra care to ensure that your identity will not be revealed since you will avoid the risk of commenting among friends.

If I can identify myself, who will have access to my identity?

If you choose to identify yourself, the access to your name will be restricted to the team responsible for the integrity department of the company. The team can contact you for more information and clarify questions, increasing efficiency and assertiveness to the analysis process. Disclosure of your identity to people who are not part of this department will only occur if it is extremely necessary.

Who gets the complaints made on this channel?

All denouncements made by electronic forms and telephone are registered by Iaux Brasil, an independent and specialized company hired to perform this activity.

Why is it not the company itself who receives the reports originally made?

Dataprev hired IAUX as a provider of this Complaint Channel in order to demonstrate the organization’s concerns about the establishment of an environment that promotes and encourages the honesty and ethical behavior of all its employees, independently of hierarchical levels. The results obtained by specialized companies are incomparably better to those obtained by Complaint Channels maintained internally, constituted by employees of the organization itself. There are diverse reasons for this greater efficiency. If you want to know more about these advantages, click here.

Can I suffer reprisals for making a good-faith denouncement?

The company does not allow any kind of retaliatory action against the employees who report a legitimate concern or issues relating to the non-compliance of the DATAPREV’s Code of Ethical Conduct and Integrity.
If you feel you may be suffering any kind of retaliation, you can use this channel to report these facts.

Why should I report it?

A deviation of conduct can affect the organizational environment, the motivation, the productivity, the quality of the products, the image of the institution, the financial results and, ultimately, the entrepreneurial capacity to generate employment and income.

Am I going to be labeled as a ‘snitch’ if I make a denouncement?

To avoid this kind of situation, we recommend you to avoid commenting your decision of making a denouncement with anyone, even with your closest colleagues and friends.

How many times do I have to report the same occurrence?

If you are going to make a denouncement about a real or potential situation, just do it once. Making multiple reports in this Channel will not give more credit for the occurrence. On the contrary, it brings data processing costs to the organization, loss of time in the analysis and delays in the conclusion of investigations.